Sunday, December 7, 2014

Using YouTube Videos for Listening & Language

I like to use YouTube clips with my older elementary and middle school kiddos because they're highly motivating!  I use them to elicit discussion, critical thinking, and also writing.  I am also a big fan of themes, so I've compiled these Christmas videos to use over the next couple of weeks!  A sheet of the QR codes is attached, so the videos can be easily accessed.

Here's an overview of each video and some ways I am using the video.  (Of course, there are many targets beyond my suggestions!)

1.  Suzy Home Alone- In this video, a beagle, left home alone, pulls a bulb off the tree and plays with it like a ball.  It's all fun and games till the bulb rolls under a chair and she can't get it.  For discussion, I (always) first ask, "What happened in the video?"  Further discussion questions might be:  Why would Suzy's owners have left a video camera taping her?  Why do you think the bulb didn't break? (i.e. What might it be made of?), Why did she start howling?, Why would her owner post this video on You Tube?, Do you think Suzy got in trouble when her owners watched the video?  More basic questions can include the WH- questions (Who was in the video?  What happened?  When was this taped (time of year)?, etc.)  Kids with writing goals may also write a summary, a letter from Suzy to her owners, or a movie review of the clip.

2.  Bad Dog- This video also features a dog.  He obviously knocked over the Christmas tree, although it's not explicitly shown or stated.  This is a good one for inferencing...What happened here?  Other questions include:  How does the dog feel?  Why did the owner choose the song for the video?  What do you think happened next?  Again, writing prompts can be the same as the above video.

3.  Books for Christmas- This funny video features a 3-year old who opens a Christmas gift which turns out to be books.  He becomes really upset because "books aren't toys" and he doesn't want books.  This is a good one for the WH- questions...Who is in the video?  What happened? When was this video taken?  Where was this video taken?  Why is the boy upset?  Higher level questions can include:  Why is this funny?  Would you be upset with books?  Have you ever gotten a present you didn't like? What did you do?, etc.  

4.  Dancing Grandad- This family is having a dance party at Christmas when Grandpa falls into the tree.  Again, this is a great one for those basic WH- questions.  It can also lead to questions about an embarrassing moment, etc.

5.  Santa Scare- In this video, an older brother plays a prank on his younger brother by standing their life-size Santa "statue" behind a door and calling his brother to walk by.  Of course, it goes as planned and the little brother is successfully scared.  Students can summarize what happened in the video.  Also ask:  What do you think of the older brother doing this?  Was this funny?  Have you ever been pranked by someone?  (Good vocab word alert:  prank!) Have you ever pulled a prank on anyone?

6.  Girl Screaming- In this last clip, a girl receives One Direction tickets for Christmas.  Her reaction is beyond "expected behavior!"  This video affords great WH- questions, as well as questions like:  How does she feel?  Is there any gift that would make you scream like this?  

You can download the page with QR codes here:

I hope you have fun with these Christmas video clips...and they elicit lots of listening and language opportunities!

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